01 about
iGuide Virtual Tours, RMS and Photography
Here at Arceo Media, we strive to provide a streamlined way of getting the essential marketing materials you need to create a successful listing. With the use of the iGuide system, we can deliver your RMS, Virtual Tour and Property photography all within one email with a 24 hr turnaround.
Graphic Design
Channel nearly 15 Years of graphic design experience and 6 years in the print industry into your marketing materials. My work has been seen in many places in the world including Europe, Australia, North and South Americas but especially here in Lethbridge, AB.
02 portfolio
03 pricing
Property Photography
(30-50 Photos)
$130 +GST
iGuide Floor Plan (RMS) and Virtual Tour
Starting from $150 +GST (Properties up to 1500 billable sq/ft)*
*1500+ sq/ft increases by $25 per 500 billable sq/ft
Full Package
(iGuide Floor Plan (RMS), Virtual Tour and
Property Photography (30-50) Photos
(Up to 1000 billable sq/ft)* $189 +GST
(1001 to 2000 billable sq/ft)* $249 +GST
(2001 to 2500 billable sq/ft)* $290 +GST
(2501 to 3000 billable sq/ft)* $330 +GST
(3001 to 3500 billable sq/ft)* $370 +GST
*3500+ sq/ft increases by $40 per 500 billable sq/ft
Aerial Photography
$50 +GST
Video (Under 1 Minute)
$110 +GST
*The billable area is a sum of interior areas of all floors (including below grade) plus all drafted spaces that may be excluded from the interior floor area totals for the purpose of property size reporting standards, such as sunrooms, crawlspaces, any rooms attached to the house that you can only access from outside and parts of rooms with sloped ceilings where the height of the room is less than 5 ft. Please note that exterior wall thickness does not affect the billable area as it only affects the exterior floor area.